Het bestuur van de Stichting Nederlands Museum voor Anthropologie en Praehistorie heeft het genoegen u uit te nodigen voor de
te houden door
Prof. dr. Peter Akkermans
Emeritus hoogleraar Archeologie van het Nabije Oosten
University Leiden, Faculteit der Archeologie
met als titel
“Death at a remote crossroads. Iron Age burials in Jebel Qurma, Black Desert, Jordan”
vrijdag 4 april 2025, 14.30 uur in de
Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen
Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
koffie / thee vanaf 14.00 uur
North-east Jordan is a rough, rugged, and unforgiving volcanic upland, often referred to as the
"Black Desert." Recent surveys and excavations in the Jebel Qurma region, part of this Black
Desert close to the border with Saudi Arabia, have yielded numerous burial cairns dating
between ca. 1000 BCE and 500 CE, none of which had ever been investigated systematically.
This lecture delves into the remarkably diverse mortuary remains in the Black Desert,
explores the tombs alongside rock carvings and inscriptions, and provides insights into the
lifestyle and burial rituals of the nomadic communities that once lived there.